Growing Strawberries in My Micro RV Garden
Updated: Feb 5, 2021
I have started growing a mini RV garden as well as planning a larger garden at my historical southern home. So, I will technically have two gardens to tend to in 2021, which I'm not sure how that's going to exactly work yet! Guess I will figure it out as I go.
Growing Strawberries
Whether you are living or RVing in the south, growing a mini garden is easily achievable. Check out my blog post here on RV Gardens for Full Time RVers. Here's my first pic of my homegrown strawberries right here at the RV site! I ate them, and yes they were delicious, juicy, and sweet.

There’s just something about working in my #RVgarden and getting my hands dirty that is so relaxing to me. I’ve dreamed of having a garden like this one since I got into gardening a few years ago. Plus, when I decided to purchase my historical southern home, I knew I wanted to use farm-fresh ingredients straight from my garden—but that meant I was going to need a much larger area to grow herbs and produce. Thankfully, I have over an acre of land at the farmhouse to use.
My wish list for this micro RV garden located right on my campsite includes a couple of portable garden boxes, potting table which also doubles as the picnic table, and some bishop hooks for hanging my strawberry hanging baskets.
Image via Amazon
In Florida and other southern states, many strawberries are grown as cool weather annuals. In fact, here in Florida we have a Strawberry Festival every year. Once I bought my strawberry hanging baskets, I hung them on some sturdy garden bishop hooks around my RV site along with some pretty flowers and herbs!
Now hang your strawberry hanging baskets on the bishop hooks and you'll have an instant RV micro garden right at your campsite.
Full time RVing can now have fresh homegrown garden veggies, fruit, and herbs. It is a completely unique way to see the world and incorporate the excitement of travel into your everyday life.

“How do you grow a garden at your RV site? That's a question I hear a lot, and I'm here to tell you anyone can do it, even if you are full time RV living.”
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Living in your RV doesn't mean you have to stop your love for gardening
When I started growing strawberries just a month ago, I wasn't sure it would be worthwhile. You can believe that it is and very enjoyable to step outside of my travel trailer to pick fresh strawberries (#RVgarden, #RVcooking, #MicroGarden, #PlantLady, #StrawberryGarden) throughout the growing season.
Before you get started growing your RV garden, ask me your questions or concerns as I many have already encountered the problems you are thinking of!
Are you ready to get started? Simply go get these few products to create your RV strawberry garden now. You'll be glad you did!