My Parsley is Attracting Butterflies🦋
What's up with my curly parsley attracting butterflies here at Plains Cottage?

Parsley is a well-known herb that may be used as a garnish or to provide flavor and nutrients to soups and other foods. Parsley is a simple to grow herb with ruffled leaves that offer interest and beauty to the herb garden.
This is probably old news, but parsley is a butterfly-friendly herb that is particularly good for attracting black swallowtails, anise swallowtails, and other butterflies.
Here's a recent video of butterflies enjoying all the beauty here at Plains Cottage>>>

I have several Pollinator Friendly Signs on my property. I am also a proud sponsoring member of the Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail. We are Garden #761... that's a lot of gardens!

Continue reading to discover how to produce parsley for butterflies, use it for yourself and how to attract butterflies.
Taken from the Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Garden website... here's some professional pointers.
What your garden will need:
Nectar plants (colorful, scented plants) will attract butterflies to your garden. They will feed off the sweet nectar from the flowers. These are colorful, scented plants that butterflies will feed off the sweet nectar from the flowers.
Host plants provide food for their young which are caterpillars that hatch from their eggs.
A healthy habitat which provides a full life cycle for butterflies.