Spring Green Smoothie
Purge away the food sins of winter with this fresh green elixir made from the parsley and kale you've grown in your own garden!
I always have mason jars on hand for canning, storing, and even for serving my freshly brewed teas and smoothie beverages in. It's a fun way to serve something good up at your RV campsite or at home! Get it a try, and throw in a fun straw and a sprig of your fresh herbs as garnish.
Image via Amazon
16 leaves of fresh kale
5 spinach leaves
1/2 bunch fresh parsley
2 stalks celery
1 whole cucumber
1/2 green apple
Thoroughly rinse all ingredients.
Rough cut vegetables and herbs.
Throw all into your blender or Nutribullet like I like to use
Transfer juice into mason jars and serve chilled.