Eating From My Back Yard
I’m not one of those big farmers, but rather a small gardener with veggies, flowers, and herbs throughout my property. I can produce a handful of lettuces, tomatoes, berries and beans, but my yard produces a wealth of its own edible plants that Mother Nature gardens for me.
For anyone serious about this, please don't just take this blog for all your research, but rather read and study expert guides like the Peterson Guide to Edible and Wild Plants.
Foraging for backyard edibles varies from region to region. So again, it is best to get expert advice for your area because you certainly do not want to eat anything that will make you sick!
With that said, I have a compiled a general list of backyard plants and herbs that most folks can find fairly easy.
Several plants and what some people call "weeds" are common to many regions. They are actually edible and healthy.
Here's is a General List of Back Yard Edibles You Can Forage:
Before you go spraying poisonous {and cancer-causing Round Up!}, read about the medicinal benefits and properties of what non-educated folks call weeds.
Chickweed: leaves, flowers and stems are edible
This plant is a rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, calcium, niacin, selenium and Gamma-linolenic-acid.
Dandelions: leaves and blossoms are edible
Known for its detox and digestive help. This makes a great tea!
Eastern redbud: flowers are edible
Native Americans ate redbud flowers and they are high in Vitamin C .
Pansies: flowers are edible
Great to decorate desserts such as cakes, cookies, and cupcakes!
Ever had dandelion tea? If not, you are missing out on a great #DetoxTea that boosts your immunity and so much more.
Did You Know?
One cup of dandelion root tea is rich in antioxidants - its detoxifying properties can help promote stable blood pressure, sugar levels, and improve well-being.
Foraging For Your Health
Vitamin rich herbs, plants, and weeds can be found for free often times in your own yard. Again, do your research to be sure you are picking the right plants. #eatyourweeds #greenwitch #foraging #ediblewildflowers